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Elcheroth, G. ., Penic, S. ., Fasel, R. ., Giudici, F. ., Glaeser, S. ., Joye, D. ., … Spini, D. . (2012). Spatially weighted context data and their application to collective war experiences. LIVES Working Papers, 019(019), 1–38.
Murphy, E. . (2013). Workers’ movement out of declining occupations in Great Britain, Germany and Switzerland. LIVES Working Papers, 021(021), 1–40.
Giudici, F. ., & Pallas, A. . (2014). Social origins and post-high school institutional pathways: A cumulative dis/advantage approach. LIVES Working Papers, 030(030), 1–26.
Seminario, R. ., & Le Feuvre, N. . (2017). Snakes and Ladders: The combined effect of qualifications and marriage on the employment trajectories of Peruvian graduates in Switzerland. LIVES Working Paper, 063(063), 1–27.
Struffolino, E. ., Bernardi, L. ., & Voorpostel, M. . (2015). Self-reported health among lone mothers: Do employment and education matter?. LIVES Working Papers, 044(044), 1–28.
Marshall, V. . (2011). Risk, vulnerability, and the life course. LIVES Working Papers, 001(001), 21. (Original work published 2011)
Bürgin, R. ., & Ritschard, G. . (2013). Rendering the order of life events. LIVES Working Papers, 029(029), 1–16.
Bataille, P. . (2013). Quel goût pour les sciences? Une question d’interprétation et de méthode. LIVES Working Papers, 020.4(020.4), 1–24.
Falcon, J. . (2015). Quand démocratisation rime avec reproduction: les inégalités sociales dans le système éducatif suisse depuis le début du XXe siècle. LIVES Working Papers, 034(034), 1–30.
Bigotta, M. . (2015). Priority to local workers and its consequences on unemployment duration. LIVES Working Papers, 046(046), 1–24.