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Moreau, G. . (2013). Socio-histoire d’une non mixité: le certificat d’aptitude professionnelle (France). LIVES Working Papers, 020.2(020.2), 1–23.
Orsholits, D. ., Studer, M. ., & Ritschard, G. . (2019). The great recession and trajectories of vulnerability to unemployment in the UK and Switzerland. LIVES Working Paper, 079(079), 1–31.
Brändle, K. . (2017). The geography of social links among a young cohort in Switzerland. LIVES Working Paper, 058(058), 1–31.
Murphy, E. ., & Oesch, D. . (2014). The feminization of occupations and wage change: A panel analysis of Britain, Germany and Switzerland. LIVES Working Papers, 031(031), 1–31.
Kessler, D. . (2018). The Consequences Of Divorce For Mothers And Fathers: Unequal But Converging?. LIVES Working Paper, 071(071), 1–30.
Araujo, P. ., & Bühlmann, F. . (2015). Swiss banking elites: between internationalization and national career patterns. LIVES Working Papers, 035(035), 1–32.
Spini, D. ., & Campos, L. . (2012). Styles de vie et activités de formation chez les seniors du Canton de Vaud: Enquête 2009. LIVES Working Papers, 010(010), 1–71.
Mancini-Vonlanthen, N. . (2016). Spouses and families of expatriates: A systematic literature review by correspondence analysis based on semantic segments. LIVES Working Papers, 049(049), 1–44.
Salamin, X. . (2015). Specific work-life issues of single and childless female expatriates: An exploratory study in the Swiss context. LIVES Working Papers, 042(042), 1–39.
Elcheroth, G. ., Penic, S. ., Fasel, R. ., Giudici, F. ., Glaeser, S. ., Joye, D. ., … Spini, D. . (2012). Spatially weighted context data and their application to collective war experiences. LIVES Working Papers, 019(019), 1–38.