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Working papers

The LIVES Working Papers (ISSN: 2296-1658) is a new social science paper series, published by the LIVES Centre. It is designed to advance scholarship and debate in the growing field of life course research.

Authors can submit an electronic copy of their paper by using the submission form.


Title Volume Author(s) Key words Year
Early retirement in Italy in a life course perspective: Do preferences matter? 050 Emanuela Struffolino, Daniele Zaccaria Education, Gender, Early retirement, Italy, Retirement preferences, SHARE, data, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2016
Spouses and families of expatriates: A systematic literature review by correspondence analysis based on semantic segments 049 Nathalie Mancini-Vonlanthen Correspondence analysis, Families of expatriates, International assignments, Literature review, Spouses of expatriates, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2016
Mixing modes of data collection in Swiss social surveys: Methodological report of the LIVES-FORS mixed mode experiment 048 Caroline Roberts, Dominique Joye, Michèle Ernst Stähli life course, Vulnerability, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2016
Trajectoires d’exclusion et bien-être d’une jeune cohorte qui a traversé les guerres en ex-Yougoslavie 047 Rachel Fasel, Dario Spini Stress, Bien-être, Analyses de courbes de croissance à classes latentes, Précarité socio-économique, Guerre, Parcours de vie, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2016
Priority to local workers and its consequences on unemployment duration 046 Maurizio Bigotta Difference-in-differences, Unemployment duration, Employment priority, Labour migration, Policy evaluation, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2015
Different pathways out of the parental home: A gender perspective 045 Florence Rossignon Switzerland, Gender, Competing risk analysis, Home-leaving, Pathways out of the parental home, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2015
Self-reported health among lone mothers: Do employment and education matter? 044 Emanuela Struffolino, Laura Bernardi, Marieke Voorpostel life course, Health, Employment, Education, Lone mothers, Family structure, Multiple disadvantages, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2015
La mémoire autobiographique à travers le parcours de vie: Évaluation rétrospective du bonheur et de la vulnérabilité 043 Nora Dasoki, Davide Morselli, Dario Spini Parcours de vie, Bonheur, Effet de positivité, Mémoire autobiographique, Personnes âgés, Vulnérabilité, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2015
Specific work-life issues of single and childless female expatriates: An exploratory study in the Swiss context 042 Xavier Salamin Switzerland, Gender, Female expatriates, Single, Work-life interface, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2015
Family structure and home-leaving: A life course perspective 041 Florence Rossignon Switzerland, life course, Home-leaving, Family structure, LIVES Working Paper, NCCR LIVES 2015