20 Juin 2024

LIVES wants to know what its alumni have become! For this reason, we are organizing a LIVES symposium for alumni and members at the University of Lausanne, Génopode-Auditorium A, on Thursday, 20 June 2024 (afternoon), followed by drinks and finger food. Registration is compulsory, see the form below.
The symposium consists of presentations and panel discussions on projects and careers in both science and practice. Our aim is to strengthen the LIVES alumni network by bringing together past and present LIVES researchers.
The event is free of charge and there will be plenty of time to catch up with old colleagues over coffee (in the afternoon) and drinks (in the evening).
!!! Change of location: Génopode. Auditorium A !!!
13:15-13:30 Arrival of participants
13:30-13:45 Opening words by Daniel Oesch & Clémentine Rossier
13:45-14:45 Staying in academia: thoughts on research projects (chair: Nicolas Sommet)
- Ornella Larenza, researcher at SUPSI, Children's exposure to domestic violence: processes and costs involved in awarding custody and visiting rights
- Mattia Vacchiano, lecturer at University of Geneva, The empty office: the effects of teleworking on social relations and well-being
- Julia Sauter, postdoc at Oslo Metropolitan University, Stepfamilies in old age - family boundaries, support exchange and filial obligations
- Barbara Masotti, researcher at SUPSI, Informal and formal care in later life
14:45-15:15 Coffee break
15:15-16:15 Beyond academia: alternative ways of conducting research (chair: Laure Sandoz)
- Hannah Klaas, researcher at HEP Lausanne & Independent filmmaker, Dealing with vulnerability, resilience and the life course in a short film
- Patrick McDonald, lecturer at ETH Zürich, A multifaceted academic career
- Aude Tholomier, research assistant at Geneva University Hospitals & HETS Geneva, Researching ageing with non-academic partners
- Isabel Valarino, research associate at the Education Research Department (SRED), Canton of Geneva, Understanding absenteeism among secondary I pupils (aged 12-15) in Geneva
16:15-16:45 Coffee break
16:45-17:45 Conversation on career trajectories (moderation: Catia Luperto)
- Andrés Guarin, scientific collaborator at EVAM, Canton of Vaud
- Marie Claire Peytrignet, program manager Brazil & Bolivia at E-CHANGER
- Manuela Schicka, program coordinator at University of Fribourg, Office for equality, diversity and inclusion
- Nicolas Turtschi, prison director in La Chaux-de-Fonds
- Isabelle Zinn, tenure track professor at Bern University of Applied Sciences
17:45-18:00 Closing words
18:00 Drinks and finger food on the rooftop at Vortex