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Associate your project to the LIVES Centre

Are you setting up a research project on the theme of the life course? You can associate it to the LIVES Centre and benefit from our know-how and activities. To do so, please fill in the project association application form (in French).

The LIVES Centre is a place of expertise, exchange and scientific debate for the study of the life course. It aims to promote interdisciplinary, inter-institutional and international collaborations in this field of research.

By associating your project, you benefit from the following advantages:

  • Your project is promoted on our website
  • All researchers of the associated projects can, on request, become LIVES members and thus have access to our different activities and support (e.g. communication on the activities of the Centre's other researchers, scientific events, working groups, doctoral programme, etc.). LIVES members of the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva can also benefit from research support grants and the invitation programme for international researchers.
  • The IP or co-PI of the project (LIVES member) can ask for punctual support from the Science & Admin team in the following fields: IT support and data management, organisation of events, communication, valorisation of research results (contact:
  • The PIs or co-PIs of the project (if LIVES UNIGE members) can register their project administratively at the CIGEV and thus benefit from its infrastructure

In return, we ask that publications of associated projects with at least one LIVES member as author mention the LIVES Centre in the acknowledgements and that the LIVES logo be displayed in public presentations.

Thank you in advance for using the pre-registered LIVES tag when depositing your publications in SERVAL (UNIL) or Archive ouverte (UNIGE).

To be eligible as a LIVES associated project, certain conditions must be met:

  • The project must be financed by a recognized external source for a minimum of 20'000.00
  • The project must be related to the Centre's themes
  • At least one of the PIs or co-PIs must be employed in an institution associated with the LIVES Centre, i.e. at the University of Lausanne, the University of Geneva or the HES-SO.
  • The applicant must have an employment contract covering the whole duration of the associated project.
  • The LIVES Centre is authorised to display the project on its website and in its activity reports
  • The applicant undertakes to provide on request all useful information to the Science & Admin team, in particular the list of publications related to the project and the project's budget
  • The applicant informs the researchers involved in the project of their affiliation with LIVES, invites them to join LIVES as members and to take part in the Centre's activities.

Associer son projet de recherche au Centre LIVES

Are you interested in associating your project?

In this case, we invite you to fill in the project association application form (in French).

In case of questions or special requests please contact our scientific coordinator:

The LIVES Centre is looking forward to a fruitful collaboration.