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Call : LIVES International Conference 2022

Description of the LIVES International Conference

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the final NCCR LIVES International Conference, which will focus on our twelve years of joint research conducted at NCCR LIVES and our shared vision of research on vulnerability in a life course perspective for the next ten years. As a leading researcher on the life course, we sincerely value your presence to this event.

We welcome presentations on all relevant areas of life course research, such as family, health, employment, education, old age, family, gender relations or innovative longitudinal methods. We are particularly interested in interdisciplinary research and research showing mechanisms of and policy responses to vulnerability in the life course.

Call submission: 

To submit your application , please send the following information through our website until June 6, 2022

Our committee will review every proposal and selected speakers will be notified in the end of June 2022.

Status message

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