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Is academic mobility gendered?

10/11 Nov 2022

The symposium "Is Academic Mobility Gendered?" looks at the internationalisation of research careers by exploring several of its contemporary dimensions (spatial trajectories and life paths, professional and family academic mobility, international collaborations, circulations linked to exile, the carbon impact of academic work, recruitment practices and the use of international funding, etc.), and its implications for equality. The event brings together some thirty European researchers working on these issues as well as institutional actors involved in equality and career management. 

The symposium is held in English and is open to the public upon registration, subject to availability.

Flyer in PDF format



  • Kathrin Zippel (Université Libre de Berlin) : «  Women in global science, advancing careers through international collaboration »
  • Charikleia Tzanakou (Oxford Brookes) and Emily Henderson (Université de Warwick): "Sticky and stuck in mobile academia : a multi-level conceptual framework"
  • Welcome speech : Nicky le Feuvre (Doyenne SSP, Unil)
